Ms. Snipe: I hope March can take us to spring. Egad, if the clock can ‘spring forward’ why can’t the season? Ms. Snip: Exactly, I know just what you mean. This has seemed a long winter. While I love the look of fresh snow, it becomes tiresome very soon. The worst part is staying indoors […]
Two Years of Unparalleled SUCCESS?
Ms. Snip: I heard BC (Big Crybaby) say that he had accomplished more in two years than any president in history. What do you think he was talking about – what do you think he has accomplished? Ms. Snipe: If you have a minute I can give you a partial list. Ms. Snip: Sure, I […]
What’s Next?
Ms. Snipe: The everyday lies continue – I suppose BC (Big Crybaby) imagines if he touts them enough people will either just laugh them off or begin to really believe them. Guess what BC – those people who protest are not paid by Soros or anyone else. It’s just that they have more interest in […]
Wow! The opening statements of the Ford/Kavanaugh hearing were very illuminating. SOG (Senior Old Guy) built up the reputation of the PN (Projected Nominee) while attacking the OP (Opposing Position) over time lines and secrecy. This follows BC’s “poor me” statements at a press conference. The possibility of facts being discovered is close to nil. […]
Hypothetical Questions
Ms. Snip: I asked my boss, someone who really knows my ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, what I could do to improve my opportunities and hopes for advancement. He said, “I really can’t answer hypothetical questions.” I reminded him these were not hypothetical, the question was based on my past performance history. He replied again, “It would […]