The Big Crybaby keeps asking for transparency. Well, some of us think that is a good idea.
How about transparency on tax returns, BC? How about transparency about the investigation of the investigators investigating the possible incursion of others in our 2016 election.
Transparency in business dealings and those parts of personal life which affect all of us. I’ll say MeToo and celebrate the accusers who have led to multiple resignations, convictions and indictments. And, as with other cases, why aren’t we given enough information to see who should be believed when there are 19 and more we are told should not be believed?
Transparency would also include open communication with the press. If we could see press questions answered honestly we would know what is real and what if anything is really “fake news”.
Why are press conferences avoided when they could illuminate so much. If the press is the “enemy” what better way to expose their bias than by truthfully answering their questions. If what is tweeted is important, what about the millions of citizens who are not attuned to Twitter, don’t have Twitter accounts and don’t rely on it for news and communication. I personally have always believed that tweeting was for the birds.
I was under the impression that BC was part of a group (aka party) who espouse ‘family values’. What is the value in separating children from parents? Where are the missing children taken forcibly from their parents and why does this abhorrent practice continue?
Transparency would suggest we should have been aware of this practice, that the family unit is sacrosanct unless real proof of danger to the child exists. Babies, toddlers and young children suffer trauma when taken from their parents. Their reactions are visible markers of those traumas.
Transparency should also include the practices of departments of government, their spending habits, their “perks” and whether or not those “perks” are oversteps of authority. Why are those in appointed positions any more deserving than John Q. Public? First class air travel? Sirens and lights? Etc. etc.
Well, guess that’s enough sniping for today. I’m sure I’ll have more to say soon.
Meanwhile let’s do it, let us have some TRANSPARENCY so that we can decide if the interests of the people are really being served.
Thank you for your attention Mr. BC.
I look forward to your answers and additional transparency.
Ms. Snipe
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