Snip: Well, hello Ms. Snipe. Haven’t heard from you in a long time.
Snipe: Yes, I’ve been busy. Actually, I thought things might have evened out and less craziness was going to be the norm.
Snip: Does your appearance mean thigs are trending crazy again?
Snipe: To be honest, craziness never left, it was just not as visible as previously. But, there are some examples of what is reappearing and what may be to come.
Snip: Do you care to share?
Snipe: I suppose you have seen that the Big16 removed intelligence from its committee. I was concerned initially but was assured that all will be well. Seems the vacancies are to be filled with orange groomers. One of the new people has vowed to investigate thoroughly the lasers which have resulted in fires out west.
Snip: Is there evidence?
Snipe: This is confidential, you didn’t hear it from me, but it’s said there are no trees left in Death Valley. Some find that curious. Maybe laser fire destroyed them?

Snip: I think I’ll just stay away from the cable channels. I get really upset sometimes watching and listening to bizarre statements made by people. There was a time when I thought elected officials were genuinely interested in working for our country. Now I see many whose actions are driven only by self-serving motives. They find financial backing by making promises and I think they worm their way into the news just for attention.
Snipe: Glad you are noticing. “Just get elected, do whatever you want and retire with lifetime pension and healthcare.” This was alleged to be the statement of the Elevator Duck. Of course one could add: make a paid speech, write a book and enjoy the perks offered by lobbyists.
Snip: Maybe I’ll stick to sports. Football is okay, baseball will be back soon; but I question the reality of some tales about volleyball. Maybe the slow pace of golf would be a relaxing replacement for the animal channel and it’s main rival.
Snipe: You might want to rethink golf. Lately a player announced attaining a championship in which they did not even play the first day. Must have scored 18 triple eagles the second day in order to take the championship.
Snip: Don’t the caddies keep the score cards? Isn’t there a way to check it out?
Snipe: There you go again, imagining that some folks are honest and normal. Even if it were the caddies, there are two or three wanna-be caddies waiting in the wings. Jam and Southern Flip-Flop are vying for that position. I expect someone else will throw a pillow into the mix soon.
Snip: I’m glad we have re-established communication even though I am not sure that talking with you is a relaxing pastime. Will you be in touch again soon?
Snipe: I am hoping to make this a regular visit. Stay tuned.
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