Ms. Snipe: I hope March can take us to spring. Egad, if the clock can ‘spring forward’ why can’t the season? Ms. Snip: Exactly, I know just what you mean. This has seemed a long winter. While I love the look of fresh snow, it becomes tiresome very soon. The worst part is staying indoors […]
Ms. Snip: Have I told you how much I enjoy our conversations? Ms. Snipe: Well, not really. But you aren’t the only one. If there are any readers are out there they haven’t let me know. In today’s distrusting atmosphere I can understand why. Social media platforms are selling out their members, misinformation is the deal of […]
Two Years of Unparalleled SUCCESS?
Ms. Snip: I heard BC (Big Crybaby) say that he had accomplished more in two years than any president in history. What do you think he was talking about – what do you think he has accomplished? Ms. Snipe: If you have a minute I can give you a partial list. Ms. Snip: Sure, I […]
Ms. Snipe Sharing Things That Keep Her Awake.
Ms. Snipe: If it weren’t so ridiculous it would be funny. Lying seems to be a way of life in Washington DC. The excuses are mind-boggling. “I didn’t know I shouldn’t lie.” “They trapped me into lying.” (I’m wondering how that happens. Seems if you are asked a question you know which answer would be true and […]
Mid-Term Thrill or Agony?
Ms. Snip: What do you think of the mid-term results? Will things be any different? Should I worry about my 401K? Will I lose my healthcare? Should I get a gun and register it for conceal carry. There are so many things that have been threatened. Will the borders be wide open for anyone? Both parties […]