SNIP: Where have you been? I have been looking for conversations about the current activity in DC.
SNIPE: Oh, you mean the Dump Constitution Administration?
SNIP: Well, if you want to call it that.
SNIPE: That is what seems to be going on. Unelected idiots moving in and pushing out anyone who doesn’t agree with the billionaire state of mind.
SNIP: There is waste in government spending.
SNIPE: I agree. Might even be some fraud. But it’s the Baby/Bathwater cliche – you don’t empty the place when you haven’t identified specific aspects of waste. I would venture to say that a lot of the contracts being awarded are the result more of moneyed influence than of best practices.
SNIP: You believe money is the mover?
SNIPE: Elections and positions are purchased, partly due to the inane SC decision of several years ago stating in essence, Corporations are People. This allowed enormous amounts of corporate money flowing into campaigns and ultimately elections.
SNIP: Got any ideas about what to do?
SNIPE: I am considering running for office.
SNIP: Really? Could you get elected?
SNIPE: Well, I have some of the qualifications and can certainly fulfill at least one that I don’t have.
SNIPE: For example?
SNIPE: Well, 1) While I’m not rich, if I get in I can get rich. I can write books, give speeches, make profitable, knowledgeable stock trades – that one seems to be the leader. 2) I’m old, already got that one nailed. 3) I’m white, look inside the capitol offices, that’s evident. 4) I’m (oops) female. There are some in office so it’s not impossible but being younger, maybe blond, and pretty would certainly help get endorsements.
SNIP: That all sounds so cynical.
SNIPE: Your point?
SNIP: I guess I just wish that the elected officials would live up to the oath of office they took. I once had the belief that government really was by the people and for the people. Now too many seem to be saying “You put me here so I can do whatever the hell I want.” And, when laws and conventions are blatantly ignored, no one seems to have the courage to step up.
SNIPE: Or wait until it’s too late. Case in point, that guy from KY could have used more courage before deciding to retire. From his refusal to hold hearings in 2012 to his nay vote in impeachment hearings, he is the prime example of 1) SELF and 2) PARTY. Those things are not laudable for elected official loyalty.
SNIP: We can contact senators and reps.
SNIPE: You think they see anything you write to them? Really? Try it. You will receive a form letter stating something like, “We received your comments and will forward it to the appropriate staff member for consideration.” I think the next time I write I’ll just address it to THE APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBER IN CHARGE OF XYZ
SNIP: Just one last thing, I had heard that you were going to retire this communication. What changed your mind?
SNIPE: Guess I just can’t be silent when I see what is happening. Food taken from those who need it, dismantling of programs which recognize that not all of the populace is rich. Intrusive governmental involvement by sycophants often unqualified, un-informed, unelected and uninterested in fulfilling their sworn loyalty to the Constitution of the United States. Oh, and by the way, I heard that the next name change on the horizon is changing the State of Florida to the State of Orange.
SNIP: We’ll see. Meanwhile, don’t wait so long to communicate. Also, remind readers they can comment without ANY of their information ever being disclosed to anyone.
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