Ms. Snipe writes:
I can’t seem to stay away from political programming. I won’t call it news because it consists primarily of the opinions of anchors and their “panels”. Unfortunately, to me such programs are almost an addiction. On a recent Sunday my attention to interviews led me to record some thoughts. While I spend much of my time watching and reading points of view of both sides, I am left disappointed, frightened, angry and embarrassed at many of the actions of my own government.
One of that recent Sunday’s interviewees was Shaggy Man (SM). Although probably one of the 10% (perhaps the 1%), he doesn’t appear to own a comb or a tie (happily he does seem to have acquired a washcloth). By resuming his admiration for the BC (Big Crybaby) he has made himself visible again which probably led to this TV interview.
I don’t know if SM owns a yoyo but his activities could be used as an example of the action of a yoyo, e.g. bow to the BC, work for BC in campaign, bow to BC, fight with BC, bow to the BC, oppose BC’s political choices, bow to BC. Up/down/up/down/up/down/up.
SM responded to the majority of questions with the same old story (SOS). Even questions specifically designed to elicit either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ were answered with the SOS. This approach is not exclusive to SM, it is the standard practice of politicians. This obfuscation could be called: Political Interviews 101.
SM’s current adoration of the BC and visible pursuit of a role in the current administration indicate that he is working to secure a place in the political scene and a presence on animal TV. By continuously restating the SOS he is attempting to justify policies and behavior of the BC. Sad.
The important work of our government appears to have been reduced to arguments and finger-pointing. Seems like the Big Mouths (BM) are loud if not clear in their statements even when there is no support for those statements from the ‘rank and file’ of the citizenry. Some of BM officials appear to believe citizenry are only “rank” (different definition). This disrespect is evidenced on occasion by their behavior and comments. How sad it is that current justification for activities and arguments of the prevaricators in the majority are based on the inane supposition that many in the media and the minority party hate the BC and choose only to vilify him.
Until elected officials are held accountable for their lies and unethical activities our country will continue to lose the respect and support of many of its citizens and of our allies.
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