Ms. Snipe: Sometimes it’s just too funny to even comment upon. For example, the coatless wonder who brags about a cadre of whistleblowers who, aren’t whistleblowers and in fact don’t even have whistles. They might be otherwise described as blowhards.
There is the blond mouth from Georgia. Someone should show her a roll of duct tape and explain its uses. It holds things together, it doesn’t explode. It isn’t a part of any peach tree dish. While she purports to be well-informed, there is never any clarity about which people are the “… many people have told me.” She is trying to get herself off the hook by saying she only reports what many people have told her. Gullible would be a good description.
Then there is the maybe, probably, could-be, possible presidential candidate from Texas who seems to need to study the map of his state. Perhaps he thought El Dorado was a suburb of Dallas. Get a clue. You expect people to think you can lead a country when you can’t even take care of the people in your state? Too cold for you? Try a border city if you can find one or maybe a resort area. Not in the US of course.
There is the would-be dictator who must still be asleep. No one woke him. So, in his dreams he wants to decide what schools should teach or not teach, what books people should be able to read, what colleges and universities should and should not address in history, what kind of entertainment should be allowed. I always believed that one could choose to read or not read a book, attend theatrical performances or stay at home, and be taught to think for themselves rather than be spoon-fed the ultra-ultra beliefs of someone else. Glad I woke up! Maybe someone should wake him. Condolences to the people of the panhandle state.
Should I go on? Well, one just can’t stop without mention of the Orange Wonder. I wonder how this cult leader can continue his scams and people keep sending money. More investigations and evidence than most courts ever see. A witch hunt? Oh what a tiresome phrase. Leave that to the Wizard of Oz. Wait – who is that man behind the curtain? Ahhh, revealed as a charlatan – a grifter, a snake oil salesman, the cultish deceiver of politics – the Orange Crybaby.
Then, Mr. Pasty White announces that he really doesn’t know what the Orange CryBaby did or did not do regarding hush money but, this possible grand jury indictment is probably just maybe political. Mr. Wimp runs for President? Yikes!
Namby-pamby politicians spend time – accusing one another, covering for one another, investigating the opposition, crying about being attacked for political reasons, write books, garner big bucks from lobbyists, go around the country away from their ‘districts’ to complain about what we are reading, watching, saying, doing, soon they’ll want to know what we are eating. I thought that politicians were supposed to be working for the district, state, country they were elected to represent. I thought they were supposed to be present when the Senate or the House convene.
Oh my. Sorry, Snip. Guess I didn’t let you get a word in edgewise this time.
Ms. Snip: I’ll be ready to speak in April.
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