Ms. Snip: Congratulations.
Ms. Snipe: Thanks, what are you congratulating me for?
Ms. Snip: I see you are running for president. I was watching the news and saw the collage of the candidates on the Democrat side. Almost missed it since they showed it for only a second or two but, there you were, right in the middle.
Ms. Snipe: Sorry, that wasn’t me. There are several females in the race but I am not one of them.
Ms. Snip: Oh. That’s very disappointing. I was so glad to see your picture. I thought we would finally have an intelligent, moral person and honorable worth voting for.
Ms. Snipe: Exactly, those are the reasons I wouldn’t run for office. I detest the misstatements and lying that happens every time most of the officials open their mouths. I stand up for morality and believe that those who attest to being moral verbally and then behave immorally are shameful representatives of their holy proclamations. Finally, As an intelligent person I believe it would be difficult for me interact with the kind of re-election focus and self-adulation of individuals are currently ‘serving’.
Ms. Snip: So, if not you, who. If some of the eighteen would join forces maybe we wouldn’t have such a mix of ideas and plans.
Ms. Snipe: Several of those who have announced their run would be very good though. Most seem intelligent, but they must also be able to beat BC (Big Crybaby). That would be difficult for some of them.
Ms. Snip: Who would you say has the best chance of winning? A couple that I’ve heard speak seem like they would be one issue candidates. I wouldn’t think that would be a winning strategy.
Ms. Snipe: No, that could skew the vote. Of course, I believe it is already skewed. Too many voters are single issue voters. They have a strong feeling about one thing, maybe taxes or guns or abortion. They will vote on that issue alone and the rest of reality be damned. A one issue candidate is just as bad.
Ms. Snip: Doesn’t there have to be a specific issue for each one?
Ms. Snipe: of course a main focus is good but it shouldn’t be the only one. There are certainly enough items to be concerned about. I believe every one of the candidates should have some position on all the major issues.
Ms. Snip: That would require someone who is well-informed, one who reads a lot in order to understand a variety of positions and support for any individual issue. Someone who is intelligent enough to listen to advice and to exhibit strong ethical behavior.
Ms. Snipe: That’s it. We need someone who can think beyond their own skin. One who has the capacity to be truthful and open-minded. That would be a great improvement.
Ms. Snip: Wow, there sure are a lot of factors to consider. Slogans and shouting have become the benchmark. They just seem to have replaced honest statements of policy.
Ms. Snipe: So true. I feel like we need to get fresh blood into D.C. I don’t necessarily mean young candidates but I do mean younger ones. This could be done with term limits or even age limits. Unfortunately the only body that can establish those policies consists of the career politicians who don’t want to have to look for another job. Ones who have become so entrenched that they actually believe their own hype. We need people who genuinely have the interests of the country over self-interest. Term limits might erase some of the power plays congressional leaders have – like that one person deciding what the elected body can debate or vote on. We don’t want dictators but it seems there are already some who have established themselves as quasi-dictators. I voted to allow my senator to stand up for the feelings and positions of my district. The fact that one person is obstructing the responsibility of my senator is another example of the barriers put up by those ‘old white men’ who have spent their life improving their own private agenda, their political clout and their financial well-being.
No, I would never put myself in a position of being exposed on a daily basis to the mess which currently exists in DC. My boots are not high enough to wade through the accumulation of the last three years.
As a matter of fact, just discussing these things makes me feel like I need to change my boots. We’ll talk again later.
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